Adolescent Therapy

“Help! I’m losing my child!”

Do you wake up every morning and wonder, “What’s my day going to be like with my child today? Will we get along or will today be a struggle?”

The adolescent years are tumultuous.

Trying to navigate the world can be hard on them. They struggle to fit in – to feel as if they belong.

Their peers can be ruthless, making them feel good one day and being not so nice the next. It creates challenges for your child that can impact their mood.

If they’ve experienced a traumatic event, it can make it even harder to navigate this season in life. Intimate and personal relationships have an on-again off-again dynamic, which can lead them into feeling as if something is wrong with them.

Adolescents are trying to discover who they are…

… what their purpose is, and it’s not easy.

All of this leads to anxiety or depression. They have negative thoughts like, “I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty or handsome, I’m not smart.”

They struggle with their self-esteem, always feeling like they don’t measure up. They can become sad and afraid, feeling lonely and alone.

Social media becomes their way to find answers and popularity, but it only leads to more depression and anxiety. They get stuck in a comparison trap, where they spend their days comparing themselves to others, never measuring up.

You thought they were doing ok. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. After all, don’t all teenagers spend a lot of time in their room? Isn’t that normal?

Then, one day they come to you and tell you they’ve been depressed or are always anxious and afraid. You find marks on their body and discover they have been cutting themselves – and you had no idea!

You start to notice the pattern…

Somedays they don’t want to leave their room or spend any time with the family. Somedays they seem so angry.

Everything you do to try and fix it, makes things worse. There’s no explanation for the changes. They won’t talk to you. All they want to do is spend time on their electronics, playing games or watching videos. Their grades are slipping. They don’t hang out with their friends as much.

You see it now, but you don’t have a clue how to help them.

You love your child, but you’re not sure how to reach them.

You’ve tried everything, but it feels like nothing is working. It’s scaring you. You feel as if you’re losing your child and will never get them back. You feel frustrated and angry.

Why can’t they just do as their asked? Why does everything become a fight? Is my child going to commit suicide?

You just can’t reach them, and you’re becoming increasingly more concerned. Everything you do to try and fix it isn’t working. You find yourself arguing with your child more and more. You’ve tried putting them on restriction, bribing them with rewards, yelling at them, taking their electronics, and nothing works.

As a matter of fact, sometimes it feels like things are getting worse.

They’re isolating, having difficulties in school, having trouble connecting to friends, are engaging in self-destructive behaviors… and you’re scared.

You know you love them. You would be willing to die for them. But truth be told, sometimes you’re not sure you like them.

As a mother of four, I understand…

I have experienced the ups and downs of raising children, especially adolescents.

The pre-teen and teen years can be difficult to navigate – even for the best parents. The adolescent years can be difficult because they talk to their friends but struggle to talk to you.

By the time you figure out what’s happening, you’re surprised. You can even be blindsided. These are the years where an adolescent’s job is to learn how to become an adult, but that is a long hard road for the parents.

It’s hard to know when to hold on and when to let go. It can be very challenging, I know. I lived through it and I survived, but somedays it felt like I was holding on by a thread!

When your teenager enters my office, the first thing they will notice…

… is a friendly, open, and engaged therapist who loves to laugh and understands what they are going through.

They’ll also notice that I really enjoy talking to them – because I do!

Adolescents are fun. The way they think can be creative and out of the box. You never know what you’re going to get.

This helps your adolescent feel safe, understood, and heard (and the sessions aren’t boring!). This is important because if they feel safe, they’ll be more willing to be engaged.

They’ll talk about what bothers them, what hurts them, and about their hopes and dreams.

Therapy offers you and your child the help you need.

The sessions will be tailored to your adolescent’s needs and comfort level…

My first plan of action is to help you and your child feel comfortable and safe.

Therapy can be a daunting experience. It’s not easy talking to a total stranger or turning your child over to one. They don’t know what to expect, and you wonder what the therapist is going to say to your child. Are they going to take my child’s side and alienate them even more? What values are they going to be discussing? What will they be talking about?

All of these are valid questions, and helping you find the answers is important to me. Your adolescent may be afraid it’s going to be boring, that they’ll have nothing to talk about – or if they do talk, they’ll be judged. So, the first thing I do is get to know you both and let you get to know me. If you are comfortable, healing happens faster.

As they become more comfortable, we will work on building their self-esteem by helping them develop self-love and self-acceptance.

One of my favorite things to do is to help your adolescent discover their strengths and their uniqueness so that they develop a sense of self and feel really good about who they are. This happens naturally as I get to know them. There are no fancy worksheets; just open dialogue and discovery.

I will teach them how to identify and challenge their negative thoughts.

Remember those pesky negative thoughts of: “I’m not good enough, I’m not smart, etc.”? As they begin to explore their thoughts and feelings, we will expose the lies and replace them with truths. When they learn this skill, their confidence will grow, and their depression and anxiety will lessen.

They’ll develop healthy strategies for managing negative feelings.

In session sometimes we might blow bubbles to practice deep breathing (and have a little fun), they’ll play with stress balls, practice mindfulness techniques, draw or write their feelings. These skills will help your child learn to replace negative patterns to manage bad feelings with healthy and fun skills.

They’ll learn their uniqueness and their value.

I know it’s been difficult. Sometimes, all you can see these days is an angry upset child. But, truth be told, your child is special. How do I know this? In my eyes, no matter what they’ve done, they are unique and have great value. They just don’t know it yet. My job is to help them uncover the diamond that’s buried under the coal and to understand that no two diamonds are alike. So, they don’t have to be like anyone else; they just need to learn to discover their best self.

As the parent, you are vital to your adolescent’s healing…

In parenting sessions, you’ll have a safe space to express your fears and frustrations.

It’s hard being a parent of an adolescent, I don’t care what anyone says. It’s not an easy job. They are exploring the world in ways you never imagined, taking risks they shouldn’t, and doing things that can be downright shocking! This can increase your feelings of hopelessness, anger, frustration, sadness, and hurt.

Sessions for you will be a safe place where you can explore and express these feelings – a place for you to be heard and understood.

You’ll also learn new ways of communicating with your child.

During our parenting sessions, we will explore your patterns of communication that are leading to arguments and help you learn and practice new ways of managing the dialogue that help you both feel heard and understood. I’ll help you manage your anger in the situation, so you can hear your child’s needs and not just their words.

You’ll also gain more understanding and insight into your child’s behaviors.

Our time spent together will also include helping you to better understand their needs, their hurts, their behaviors. When you’re arguing with you child, it’s hard to hear those things. All you know is, they’re not listening. This can get in the way of understanding each other and of feeling connected. By helping you gain more insight into your child, you will begin to feel closer, have better communication, and feel more connected.

You’ll acquire parenting “tips and tricks” to help you manage the “bad days” in ways that will reduce the power struggle you feel in your home.

I know you’re probably wondering, “All this sounds good, but what do I do when they are acting out, yelling, screaming, or not doing what they’re told?”

That’s a good question! That’s what I’m here for: to help you develop a new way of disciplining that doesn’t boil down to rewards and consequences.

You’ll learn tips like asking for a compromise or offering two choices. I’ll help you gain an understanding of choosing your battles to reduce conflict and what to do when they seem out of control. You’ll develop the skills that will reduce the tug of war and the back and forth bickering that is common in homes with adolescents, and your relationship will stop feeling like one big battle.

It’s never too late for a better life with your children.

They can heal, they can be happy, and you can, too. Change isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. Call today.

You are one phone call away from changing your relationship with your child.

There is hope. It’s never too late. Call today: (619) 352-0486.