It’s a dark cloud following you everywhere you go…
And what makes things worse is that you’re probably not even sure why. You’re intelligent… and maybe you have a good life… yet there’s this nagging sadness that won’t go away. That’s depression.
Do you wake up feeling sad? It doesn’t seem fair. After all, all you did was go to sleep!
Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy?
You miss the days when you worked out on a regular basis, when you enjoyed hanging out with friends, when life was full of new experiences, or maybe you had a favorite hobby. Not anymore, depression has taken your energy.
You just don’t feel like it. It feels like too much work.
You try but it never feels like enough.
Some days you probably wonder, “If this is all there is, then why am I here?”
I can’t sleep…
My eating is terrible…
I get irritated so easily…
Happiness feels temporary…
I imagine you sometimes feel like screaming, “ENOUGH ALREADY!”
I’m tired of being depressed…
I need help…
I don’t want to live like this anymore.
Feel as though you’re trapped in a scary movie that you can’t escape?
If you’ve ever watched a scary movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You know… that feeling you get when the scary music starts to play? You feel fearful and on high alert.
Something bad is going to happen at any minute… you just know it! You’re on the edge of your seat… waiting, nervous, agitated, and ready to run.
Only… when you suffer from anxiety, this is how life feels for you almost every day.
Sure, there are some days when you feel fine. But, then, out of nowhere, the anxiety monster reappears.
It feels as though your body is always in motion, ready to run at any moment. Your hands shake… and it’s hard to concentrate. Your mind races, you feel as though you can’t breathe, and sometimes you know for sure you’re about to have a heart attack.
Sleep is a mystery. Sometimes you sleep like a baby, and some nights you just can’t fall asleep no matter what you try. It’s frustrating and depressing.
Is there hope?
Of course, there’s hope… there’s always hope.
It’s never too late. You’re never too young or too old to change.
I know, you’re probably afraid that everyone else can be helped, but you’re too far gone. You say, “But I’ve been dealing with this depression or anxiety my whole life. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have it. This is just who I am.”
Am I sure things can get better? I’m not just sure, I’m positive.
We are created for change. We have amazing brains that can change and adapt over time. Age has nothing to do with it.
That’s what’s so great about humanity: We adapt, we grow, and we overcome. We can be the heroes of our own stories.
How does therapy help?
Using cognitive behavioral therapy (which is a fancy name for teaching you how to think about what you’re thinking about), you will develop the skills necessary to manage your anxiety and depression.
You talk. I listen.
As I listen, I help you identify your thoughts that make you feel stuck. Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, or I can’t trust anyone,” for example. We will explore them, talk about them, and help you develop a new and refreshing way of looking at the areas of your thought life that feel stuck.
As time goes on, you will notice that you have less and less of those nagging negative thoughts that are holding you back from the life of your dreams.
We will also work together to help you create life skills that you can take with you everywhere, from breathing techniques to thought challenging, to journaling, and so much more.
You will be able to identify your thoughts, challenge them, and replace them so fast that you won’t even realize you did it! Suddenly, you’ll realize that you’re not living with anxiety and depression anymore. It’s amazing what can happen when we master the skills.
It’s possible. It’s probable. It’s exciting.
I’ve seen it over and over again. Hopelessness turns into hope. It’s simply amazing! So many have walked through the doors feeling like life has lost its meaning and leave renewed, refreshed, and restored; ready to take on all of life’s challenges with strength and confidence.
Your life CAN be different!
… and today is the day! Make the call or email me now. Let’s get started, and we’ll schedule your free 30-minute consultation: (619) 352-0486.